Here are some things that help me as the relaxin hormone in my body, preparing my system beautifully for a safe and roomy birth canal, takes a bit stronger hold than I would like and simply Hurts. (I've had SPD in my second pregnancy helped enormously by a skilled osteopath, and similarly the discomfort that can arise with subsequent babies benefits a lot by one or two visits to see her. I recommend osteopathy in pregnancy and for babies with wholehearted assertion!).
- Movement, belly dancing, gently swinging those hips to bring back some fluidity to the joints. All fours, or simply a gentle twist in the computer chair, movement helps engage with the changes to the body.
This is the vessel through which you will be birthing your child, familiarise, talk to it, find out what feels good :)
- Lying down on my side, even for ten minutes, at present my favourite place is in our barn space outside with the rabbit, on some warm, soft carpet, feeling my weight supported perfectly by Mother Earth. Pippin the rabbit helps me disengage from whatever it was that I thought was so Important. Lying down and resting is simply the best gift you can give your body at this time.
Ten minutes does make a difference :)
- Talking to the baby whilst doing either of the above to reconnect and remind me why my body can feel such discomfort right now. Just like labour, it is pain to a purpose. Imagining soft light or oil soothing those joints, listening to what my body is telling me about the positions that work and those that aggravate.
- Stretching and dangling (Yes already! - I have written a whole post on my passion for dangling in childbirth!) Reaching up high and letting those legs gently release the weight they carry in turn takes the pressure from the pelvis and lower back.
Delicious :)
Happy Dancing.
Head up head down, wherever the baby is, this is the body that will birth her, these are the bones that will juicily move aside as part of the dance as this precious child comes into the world.
Listen to those bones, those muscles, know them, care for them.
Celebrate the ingenuity that is your glorious female body!