Monday 19 March 2012

Pulsatilla - holding onto the mother's heart strings

I tried Pulsatilla 1M with my first breech - a homeopathic remedy recommended when a baby presents breech. Whilst it may be billed as a possible turning remedy, for me I feel confident that it aided me emotionally at that time. I am a very loving kinda girl, perhaps this analogy to my firstborn clutching at my heartstrings is true and suggests a clinginess, a reluctance to let go, let her grow, be born.

For whatever reason, physiologically, breech was right for baby and me in both situations. I understand that the physical is wholly related to emotional, mental and spiritual wellbeing, and any way that a mother can address these other areas will aide her in birthing well and safely. Perhaps breech in some cases is a sign that one can do more to let go, surrender, know that all is well. Perhaps this mental shift will allow a baby to turn if it is its path to do so :)

I'm really into homeopathy and its not a belief thing, it simply works.

I also tried standing up side down in the swim pool, frozen peas at the ribs, warm hot water bottle at the pelvis to coax her round. I tried moxibustion on the little toe acupressure point. I tried lying at 45 degrees twice daily on an upturned ironing board. Until I injured myself and let go of my perceived need to get her to turn.

Sure, try these things and listen to your body and the baby. I personally didn't want to try ECV (External Cephalic Version) and gently feel that that physical intervention may cause problems by stepping in the way, confusing, the dance between the two bodies at this sacred third tremester stage.

More info on ECV here at the Breechbirth website

1 comment:

  1. I want to add to this that I tried moxibustion in the last two weeks or so. I understand that an earlier course of treatment may have been more effective. Along with the Pulsatilla 1M though, perhaps each of these treatments, embracing the whole picture, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual prepares mother and baby for the birth journey whichever way up. All the way along I held the thread as best I could, that the baby and I would be safe, however he or she presented.
