Tuesday 13 March 2012

Birth Dance

I believe birth offers each of us the challenge of reaching deep inside to find our deep trust. It is a pinnacle where we find ourself at our most vulnerable and our most powerful - where our caregivers can either take our power to create a nightmare chain of events or harness it towards a magical climax.

At present in the UK it seems completely down to the woman to claim responsibility for making it the dream and not the nightmare and for the individual I feel this is too heavy a load to bear. It is unique that a woman finds the strength to tip the scales in her favour.

Goodness knows how I found the strength: perhaps a rebelliousness that meant I found strength when told 'No' - my whole being screamed out YES !! A fire lit within me as the certainty of safe birth filled each receptor.

It takes a lot of strength, will and trust to keep moving onwards to the light when there is so much fear, mistrust and compliancy around you. The use of language to disempower our fantastic physiology. The habit of accepting the doctor's word, of staying quiet so as not to buck the system. These forces are massive, yet they are nothing. Courage and instinct stand tall and simple.

Love the woman, trust the woman, be the birth, see the dance of the two bodies negotiating perfectly their journey to life and new beginnings. Know that She is well, affirm that She is whole, perfect as She is and that her capabilities as a woman, as a spirit, as a creature of light are infinite, and that the baby's divine instinct is to move joyfully with confidence into life and breath on earth.

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