Sunday 24 February 2013

Pregnant Pause

Now I've used this phrase before many times as a playful way of looking at the last couple of weeks of pregnancy, so imagine my frustration to feel that I have arrived at that place already at only 34 weeks! I wonder how many readers also find the emotional places that pregnancy can take us to quite bewildering at times?

I joked with my husband today asking him to stop being so effective - stop achieving so many projects in the garden -- its starting to get on my nerves as I sit, unmotivated and stilled (and downright grumpy lets be honest) by the growing going on inside me.

Because surely, I keep telling myself, growing the itsy human being is enough -- why be so impatient, why feel so useless and worthless when I look around me at the things I'm *not* achieving? It is only 2 months after all and then our new baby will be here and they'll be lots more to *not* achieve over the oncoming year!!

Calm then, be still. Know that all is well, allow the still days to be still. Outward energy bursts will come and go, and when they are not there, it makes sense to trust that there are inward leaps and increased fullness occurring within the womb.